· Quality Certificates ·

We have your half-century long trust registered in international standards. Having emphasized the consumer health, Seyidoğlu has registered its hygiene with the ISO 22000:2005 certificate and its corporate structure with the ISO 9001:2008certificate towards increasing customer satisfaction in international standards.

Developing technologies in the food industry have led to the emergence of different control systems around the world, with the establishment of consumer consciousness in the society and the increasing importance of food safety. HACCP (Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points) is the most frequently mentioned control system in recent years.

The HACCP System, which aims to eliminate harmful microorganisms and harmful organisms that may occur in the human body before reaching the consumer, controls the fulfillment of the hygiene conditions from the procurement of the raw material to all the stages of production and from the shipment of the product after production to the end of its period of use.

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